Kemenpppa, Perempuan, Bali, Provinsi Bali,


DENPASAR, 25 NOVEMBER 2022 – Nangun Sat Kerthi Loka Bali; Bali vision has meaning in maintaining the sanctity and harmony of Bali’s nature and its content. This vision was pursued through 22 (twenty two) Mission For Bali Development which were the direction for Bali Development policies as the implementation of the Planned Universal Development Pattern. The Bali Mission has a gender perspective as evidenced in the 20th Mission, namely Realizing a democratic and just Balinese Krama life by strengthening legal culture, political culture and gender equality by taking into account Balinese cultural values.

Presidential Instructions Number 9 of 2000 regarding Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in National Development has mandated the central government and regional governments to integrate a gender perspective into the process of planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development policies, programs and activities. The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (MoWECP) as the cornerstone agencies in integrating gender issues, women’s empowerment and child protection, continue to strive to ensure the implementation of GM and PPRG in Ministries/Agencies, Provincial and District/City Governments. In order to strengthen the understanding of the human resources (HR) of the Bali Provincial government regarding Gender Mainstreaming and ensure the commitment of regional leaders and OPD to implement PUG and PPRG, The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, the Deputy for Gender Equality held a Gender Mainstreaming Technical Coordination Meeting in the Province of Bali. Taking place at the Ballroom, Holiday Inn Resort, Denpasar, the activity was attended by 40 participants from nine regencies/cities in the Province of Bali.

Deputy for Gender Equality, Ms. Lenny N. Rosalin, SE, M.Sc, MFin, said that the HDI, IDG, GPA for the Province of Bali are above the national figure. However, if viewed from the district level, there were still several districts/cities that were below the national figure. Overcoming this, Ms. Lenny N. Rosalin said that the provincial government needs to join hands and work together with other OPDs. As well as district/city governments that are below the national figure need to set a strategy to catch up.

The meeting was attended by offline and online resource persons who conveyed about Gender Mainstreaming at the national level, regional level, good practices of Gender Mainstreaming in the Province of Bali to Supervision. Starting from the National Development Agency (Bappenas), the Directorate General of Budget of the Ministry of Finance, BPKP, Bali Province Bappeda and the Bali Provincial Social Service and P3A intervened in ensuring Gender Mainstreaming in Bali Province received full attention and involved all sectors in the Bali provincial government.

The Director of Family, Women, Children, Youth & Sports, Bappenas, Mrs. Woro Srihastuti Sulistyaningrum, ST., MIDS., said that to face the challenge of a demographic bonus, Indonesia needs to improve the quality of human resources with the many gender gaps that occur. In line with this, the Head of the Bali Provincial Social and P3A Office, Mr. Dewa Gede Mahendra Putra, SH., MH., said that the commitment and efforts of the Bali provincial government to reduce the gender gap were by boosting the synergy of women’s empowerment networks in the Province of Bali, including through Parliamentary Women’s School organized by the Parliamentary Women’s Caucus to Development, assistance and support for the Women Farmer Group (KWT) and small and medium industry (IKM) programs in each district/city to be able to encourage women’s participation and involvement in improving the economy, especially the family.

The GM strategy has been implemented for more than 20 years, so Bappeda, DP3A, BPKA, and the Provincial Inspectorate must accelerate PUG implementation through PPRG so that the impact of activities can be received by the community immediately. A gender perspective must be carried out throughout the development process starting from planning, budgeting, implementation, reporting, monitoring, evaluation, to oversight so that gender equality and social inclusion were not only principles but also at the same time a catalyst for development to create a prosperous and just society.

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